Possibly Paulus Pontius, his posthumous inventory of 1659, ‘Twee Contrefeytsels: het effigies van de schilder Van Dyck’; Probably Jan-Baptiste Anthoine, his posthumous inventory of 1691, ‘Een Contrefeijtsel van Van Dijck met eenen mantel in de handt’; Probably then in the sale of Count Thomas de Fraula, Brussels, 21st July 1738, lot 31, ‘Van Dyck – Een Portrait van eenen Man met Rabat, ende goude keten, hoogh 2 v. 7 duym en half, breet 2 v. 1 duym en half.’ Edward Gray, Harringay House, by 1838; Robert Stayner Holford, Westonbirt; Sir George Lindsay Holford, Westonbirt; Christie’s, London, 17th May, 1928, lot 64; Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, London; Captain W.H.Pollen MC; Christie’s, London, 17th May 1957, lot 51; David M Koetser, Zurich; German Private Collection.